Tuesday 3 April 2012

Education Psychology as a Whole

This class as a whole was very eye opening to me. I never realized that there were so many theories for the explanation of how children thought. I realized that this would be very important to me as a teacher and was excited to learn of the different theories. Throughout this class hints were offered of how this could be applied in classrooms as we make our journeys as teachers. This was something I found really helpful. The examples that were provided in class to help further illustrate the topic was something that really helped me on exams as well as when I was blogging. I would remember the story that was told in class and this would open up a tunnel to the other information that I obtained on the specific topic. The exams were something I really struggled with. I don't know why as I felt I attended class regularly and was pretty confident on my knowledge of all the theories. However after the second exam I have come to the realization that names of people in videos that we watched are very important to note. This will be helpful on the final exam. All in all this class was very interesting to me, this includes the stories, the discussions that notes, the blogging but most of all the interactions between the class as a whole. I felt this class was a place of safety where opinions could be shared and not judged and this really helped me in the learning process as there are many different opinions when it comes to psychology as there are many different theories. Being able to state my opinion and not be laughed at or mocked helped me process information. I found this class insightful and something I look forward to building on in the future. Thanks for the great class Rob!

Operant Conditioning

This video off of the Big Bang Theory perfectly describes operant conditioning: